Afri Brand Ambassadors Hub

An ecosystem that connects influencers to brandsWe equip our influencers with enough skills and tools to bring the best out of them while guaranteeing them high returns.

Work hard, Smile all the way to the bank!

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Why You should choose us?

The Reason why ABAH is best.

Influencer Authentication

ABAH trains influencers to follow corprate rules and regulations and those who are the right fit for the products and services being promoted.

Influencer Training

ABAH offers support, training and platform for young and aspiring influencer to undergo trainship for three monthandthn become our start pack.

Product Advertising

ABAH work with Cooperates in inducing consumers to purchase their product through communication channels such as television ,radio and social media.

Social Media Management

ABAH trains influencer on how to analyzing their social media audiences and developing strategy on creating their social media pages.

Our Rates

Our services for your pocket

Starter Cooperates

Afri Brand influencers Hub will ensure startUp and SMEs get the best rate of advertising their product and they will enjoy the business since are starter packs will influencers will Ensure they give full service that fit the current business.

Enterprises Cooperates

For-profit business or company,ABAH team will ensure they receive great service from our influencers both Start Packs and the economic Class in advertising their product and they will enjoy the business since we will ensure they give full service that fit the current business and their pocket.


Hear from our clients.

Serine Rensia
Holgates Enterprise

ABAH influencers were great and easy to work with since they are flexible and their professional influencers give best on the work.

Sir Felix
Sir Felix Collection & Designs

ABAH influencers were great and easy to work with since they are flexible and their professional influencers give best on the work.

Bi. Aisha Mwanaidi
Jikoni Matamu

ABAH influencers were great and easy to work with since they are flexible and their professional influencers give best on the work.